Monday, June 2, 2014


Early this year, it was the brother, Raid got engaged. This coming August, the sister, Auni is getting engage. As usual, the busiest Aunt aka Mak Uda is the person most overjoyed. Yes.. the right word to describe would be OVER!..

Kesian anak-anak buah.. kena ikut cakap Mak Uda.. Ok, just to share some of the recently completed hantaran (engagement gifts).

First of all, using the same pahar. Ermm... I don't quite like to be like Raid's. It was just few months back, This time I want it gold. Yessss... silver for the boys and gold for the girls.

So, we went to Nilai 3 again. This time I looked for everything gold. I want it to look rich and elegant. Something difference. Here I go, turning silver into gold.

Since it's meant for a girl, skirt would be nice...